Lindy Falk van Rooyen
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Lindy Falk van Rooyen translates a broad spectrum of Danish and Faroese fiction, including literary, narrative nonfiction, YA and crime.


Lindy Falk van Rooyen translates Danish and Faroese fiction into English. She holds an LLM in Commercial Law from the University of Stellenbosch and an MA in English and Scandinavian Literature from the University of Hamburg. Since 2016 her work has been acknowledged with various awards, including third place in the John Dryden Translation Prize for The River Runs both Ways [Kort over Paradis] by Knud Romer, a PEN Heim Translation Award for HOPE by Mich Vraa, and numerous grants from the Danish Arts Council and the Faroese Arts Council, most recently for The Dead Fill Days with a Taste of Coins by Carsten Müller Nielsen and ½ Moon ½ Sun by Jóanes Nielsen. Book-length translations include Transfer Window by Maria Gerhardt (Nordisk Books, 2019) and What my Body Remembers by Agnete Friis (Soho Press, 2017). With the support of the Faroese Arts Council current projects include Infinitely Vera by Marjun Syderbø Kjelnæs and a collaborative anthology of Faroese Fiction from 1900 to the present, The Dedalus Book of Faroese Fiction (ed. Malan Marnersdóttir), forthcoming with DEDALUS Books (UK) in July 2024.

Status: June 2024