Privacy Statement

To join DELT, members send their name and email address to the DELT Committee. This name and email address are added to the DELT list of members held by the DELT Committee and used to create sign in details for the website*.

The member can sign in to the website to update and edit her/his member profile at any time. A member can add, edit or delete additional contact information to be shown on the profile. A member can control which details are visible on the Translators page on the website and whether these are visible to members only or to the general public. As standard, a member’s name is added to this Translators page as soon as they become a member – please let us know if you wish your name not to be listed on this page.

Members agree to be contacted by email by the DELT Committee for matters pertaining to the operation of the association. Where members are applying for funding to cover expenses through DELT for networking events, her/his name and email address will be shared with the relevant funding authority (for example, the Danish Arts Foundation). *In creating sign in details for the DELT website, a WordPress account is automatically created. Click here for the WordPress Privacy Policy (external website).

If a translator’s membership of DELT lapses, or at any time upon her/his request, her/his details are removed from the website and the Facebook Group by the website and Facebook Group administrators (who are also DELT Committee members) as soon as possible, and always within 30 days.

As a non-profit unincorporated association, DELT does not need to register with the ICO, but we are committed to following best practice when it comes to handling your personal data. Please let us know if you would rather not be featured in photographs or reports of DELT events on our news blog.

Contact details for any privacy and data protection enquiries: